International relations and world politics : security, economy, identity /

Part. I. Overview. Introduction: trends, actors, perspectives. International relations and world politics in historical perspective. Part. II. State security and statecraft. Interests, objectives, and power of states. Diplomacy: managing relations among states. War, just wars, and armed interven...

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Autores principales: 204985 Viotti, paul R., 204987 Kauppi, Mark V.
Formato: Otro (Other)
Idioma:Inglés (English)
Publicado: Upper Saddle River, New Jersey : Pearson Education, 2007
Sumario:Part. I. Overview. Introduction: trends, actors, perspectives. International relations and world politics in historical perspective. Part. II. State security and statecraft. Interests, objectives, and power of states. Diplomacy: managing relations among states. War, just wars, and armed intervention. Part. III. International security. International cooperation and international security: international organization, alliances, and coalitions. Controlling global armaments. International terrorism and transnational crime. Par. IV. Civil society and the global economy. An emerging global civil society: international law, international organization, and globalization. Global economy: politics and captalism. The political economy of international trade, money, and regional integration. The political economy of investment and sustainable development. The global environment. Part. V. Identity and civil society. Religion, nationalism, and conflicting identities. Humanitarianism: human rights and refugees. Questions in lieu of conclusions.