Cyber security essentials /

The sophisticated methods used in recent high-profile cyber incidents have driven many to need to understand how such security issues work. Demystifying the complexity often associated with information assurance, Cyber Security Essentials provides a clear understanding of the concepts behind prevale...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: 3472 Olson, Ryan, Ligh, Michael autor 3475, Sinclair, Greg autor 3476, Hartstein, Blake autor 3477, Sudusinghe, Shahan autor 3478, Gary, Jon autor 3479, Falcone, Robert autor 3480, Mata, Aldrich da autor 3481, Smith, Ryan autor 3482, Lawrence, Arion autor 3483
Formato: Otro (Other)
Idioma:Inglés (English)
Publicado: Boca Raton : CRC Press : Taylor & Francis Group, 2011