Sumario: | We use measurements from the Experiment to Detect the Global EoR Signature (EDGES) to determine scale and zero-level corrections to the diffuse radio surveys by Guzmán et al. at 45 MHz and by Landecker & Wielebinski at 150 MHz. We find that the map of Guzmán et al. requires a scale correction of 1.076 ± 0.034 (2σ) and a zero-level correction of −160 ± 78 K (2σ) to best-fit the EDGES data. For the map of Landecker & Wielebinski, the scale correction is 1.112 ± 0.023 (2σ) and the zero-level correction is 0.7 ± 6.0 K (2σ). The correction uncertainties are dominated by systematic effects, of which the most significant are uncertainty in the calibration of the EDGES receivers, antenna pointing, and tropospheric and ionospheric effects. We propagate the correction uncertainties to estimate the uncertainties in the corrected maps themselves and find that the 2σ uncertainty in the map brightness temperature is in the range 3.2%–7.5% for the map of Guzmán et al. and 2.1%–9.0% for the map of Landecker & Wielebinski, with the largest percentage uncertainties occurring at high Galactic latitudes. The corrected maps could be used to improve existing diffuse low-frequency radio sky models, which are essential tools in analyses of cosmological 21 cm observations, as well as to investigate the existence of a radio monopole excess above the cosmic microwave background and known Galactic and extragalactic contributions.